Sunday & Wednesday Adult Classes
Adult Sunday School
Adult Confirmation
Yes, it's titled "Confirmation", but don't let that scare you away! We want to discuss core doctrines found in scripture and ask these questions, "Why do we believe this?" "Do I believe this?" and "How can we live through this doctrine as we shape our children, converse with our coworkers, and walk with our neighbors?" Ultimately, these doctrines inherently point us to Jesus. And, let's be honest, we need more of him each and every day.
10 am Sundays I Cafeteria
Adult Sunday School
The Gospel Project: From This World to the World to Come
The Gospel Project is a chronological study of Scripture that helps adults dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Our fall study is From This World to the World to Come. Within decades of Jesus’s Great Commission, the gospel was beginning to spread to the ends of the earth through the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. New churches were being formed and missionaries sent to fulfill the mission for which Jesus was sent in the first place—to save people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. And as it was with Christ, this mission was not easy, bringing suffering and requiring endurance, even unto death. Yet for all who endure bearing the name of Christ crucified, these have the hope of sharing in His resurrection when He comes again with the new heavens and the new earth.
10 am Sundays I Faith & Family Room
Wednesday Adult Bible Study
The Truth in Jesus: Twelve Studies in John 1-11
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” This study in the Book of John introduces us to Jesus, the Son of God, emphasizing that He is the truth, the only one who can set us free from our bondage to sin, and the one who brings eternal life to all who believe.
6:15 pm Wednesday I Faith & Family Room
Wednesday Women's Bible Study
Luke: Gut-Level Compassion
Perfection not required! The great news woven throughout the Gospel according to Luke is that perfection is not a prerequisite for a deep and personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, Luke's account reveals that Jesus is especially fond of ragamuffins in need of a safe place to lean in and linger. If you have ever struggled with feeling like you aren't quite good enough, or don't fit in, then this study is for you.
6:15 pm Wednesdays I Club JC Room